Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lucky Seven !!!

What an eventful way to celebrate my birthday. As i recounted the crazy activities that i did today...YES, seven all together. Mostly accordingly to plan.
1. Pawtobello

Verdict : It was raining in the morn but it did not dampen our spirit to start the day with Pawtobello. It was a cosy family event - Yes, me, koh wee and twinkle. I go slow with my food today. I know that we will have a long way to go today :)

My breakfast - Shittake Wedges cum Healthy Mix
Twinkle - Fish Chowder & Stroganoff with Japola rice ball
KW - Beef bello
2. Sentosa - KW decided to bring me and twinkle for a walk by the beach. This is where KW will bring twinkle for her regular swin

3. Pine Garden - Nothing will be complete without a birthday cake. And yes, i picked my favourite Lychee Martini & KW favourite Black Forest

4. Sun with Moon
Verdict: I think it is a good choice to do high tea at Sun with Moon instead of the original plan cos' it is less crowded durig this time and also just nice before dinner.

Me - Sweet Box (it consists of 4 different kind of jap dessert)
KW - Manago Kakigori
& We share a Unagi Tamagotoji & Maguro Yamakake. Yes, we simply cannot resist.

5. Equinox Restuarant
Verdict: Thumbs up for the romantic ambience. The food is excellant, price is reasonable as well. Indeed, an ideal place for proposal. Definitely value of money. I am so glad that i finally fulfilled my teenage dream.

Me - Crispy skinned seabass
KW - Lamb Steak
& We share a Ice Cream together...Sweet Sweet birthday.

6. Remember about my 7 friends. Yes, of course, that is the first thing i do this morn when i wake up. Start sending sms...

7. Charity Drive - Yes i have been wanting to do something good on my birthday. I am so blessed and i want to share this happy moment with the less fortunate as well.

Seven remarkable events on this lucky day for me...

1. Twinkle is exceptional well behaved today. we saw 3 miniature schnauzers at the cafe. But my beloved twinkle didn't bark at them at all. So proud of her.

2. I got a surprise email from Cass from USA. It was a e-card birthday greetings with some of the photos. Very touched :) Besides her, i rec'd lotsa well wishes from all my beloved friends. My phone was flooded with well wishes. And i still got birthday pressies despite this age. (Thanks to Brother YC, Tracy and khim) . So much that i really count my blessings. :)

3. I actually can't believe that i ate raw tuna. I hate raw stuff. But since it is part of the menu at sun with moon. I try it !! Actually, it taste good. Not as bad as i thought

4. My dear sista - Tracy. She call me from HK. Even during her vacation. I am speechless. It is a very kind gesture of her to do that. Thanks :)

5. Guess what, i actually met my beloved lunch mate - Jennifer on the street. :)

6. I got to see fireworks at Equinox Restuarant. God's greatest gift. I was sharing with khim the other day - wishing for impossible - Fireworks on my birthday. But GOD made it possible cos' it happened to be NDP rehearsel and they have fire works, so coincident during the dinning time.
So a tips for those who love fireworks as me. U can consider going to Equinox on National Day and make sure u ask for a window seat and be seated by 8pm :)

7. YES !! God is always good. He made it possible by his Grace and Providence. And not forgotting my beloved husband whom make it possible by paying for all the bills and being my Chaffeuer of the day.

I am so blessed indeed.


Blogger merelycreations said...

Hey Melinda, happy belated birthday. Your day sure sounded great =)

1:45 PM  

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