Saturday, June 16, 2007

Doggie Gathering

It has been two years+ since we had twinkle with us. And finally, today is the reunion day for twinkle and her ex-daddy and mummy, Jude and Louise. And also, an opportunity for the dogs to socialise. Afterall, we are all from the same family - Twinkle, Chloe and baby :) I have decided to make some shepherd pie. I modify the receipe that i have learnt from Cass. A very simple way to make the dogs' day.

1) Boil the carrots and brocolli, drain and keep aside
2) Cut the potatoe into small pieces and put to boil.
3) Once the potatoes are boiled, mash the potatoes while hot, keep aside
4) Use the stock from (1), stir fry minced meat with carrots and brocolli.
5) Lay a layer of (4) and put the potatoe on top. Bake for 30 mins

Simple and hassle free.

Looking forward to our next doggie gathering. Thanks Jude and Louise for hosting us today. :)


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