Friday, March 23, 2007

A gift that is filled with love and sweetness

I was so overwhelmed with love when i saw what my dearest friend, Lilin had sent to me in my mail box yesterday. I m so touched by her gesture. It's a gift that is filled with so much love and sweetness. As sweet as Lilin herself. That's her - always so thoughtful in her selection of gift for me. But beyond this gift lies the wonderful bonding and friendship that i treasure so much.

Lilin know that i have recently learnt how to bake cup cakes from my baking buddy, cass. And therefore, she brought this lovely icing for me to practise what i have learnt and most importantly, she is really so encouraging for me to pick up baking again after the last ordeal with the oven.

Thanks Lilin, once again for the wonderful and sweet gesture. I will make some cupcakes for you when we meet ok. Looking forward to that long overdue Hi-Tea session at my place :)


Blogger artkiddo said...

i am so envious! it's so PRETTY!!! can u ask your friend where she got it from?

1:36 PM  

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