A day in my life as a Tai Tai - Part two
It was a groomy sat but it never dampen my spirit of meeting my cooking cum baking buddy - Cass for a warm and fun session of High Tea. Yes, we have been arranging for such a session for quite a while. Finally, we met up at Cass's place for a cosy cooking exchange programme. Too bad, Tracy (another of our cooking buddy) cannot join us.
I share my Tiramisu receipe, what else :) with Cass and Cass taught me how to do a nutella cup cake. It smells heavenly. Even Sam (Cass's dog) will agree. I really think Cass is such a great cook. She even cooks fish ball bee hoon noodle & Vietnamese Popiah for me for lunch. Such delicious luncheon, i will always remember her the next time i savour fish ball noodles again.
Thanks Cass for making my wish come true. It is a indeed a blessings from God to discover such a great cooking buddy and the fellowship/friendship we have developed over the months. Praise the Lord
hi mel, i enjoyed myself a lot too! both your tiramisu and your great company! we should do this again!
Yup, Buddy - It will be very soon. This time, we must grab Tracy along.
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